H.I.R Technical Services has physically worked on the ground at sites from Nome, AK to Saudi Arabia. From Edmonton to Guatemala. We know tanks and we offer fast, accurate and reasonably priced consulting services.
New API 650 tanks, we can help.
New AWWA water tanks, we can help.
New Fiberglass tanks, we can help.
Providing level surveys on new or old, welded or bolted storage tanks..................
Any existing aboveground tank, we can help.
We have witnessed tank failures ranging from brittle fracture failure to extreme corrosion, leaking seams to the tops being blown off.
We could go on but we won't. The purpose of this site is just to let you know that help is available and if you would like to start the conversation, please feel free to call 814-706-7514.
John Cornell, Sr. Storage Tank Specialist

New nameplates after completed inspections.
Top-side pitting reviews.

Bolted Tank in-service inspection using Publication 2018.

Bolted Tank rafter inspection while in service using Publication 2018.
In-service STI SP001 inspections using STI Certified inspectors on vertical and horizontal tanks.

Bolted Tank in-service shell and seam inspection using Publication 2018.

Annual and Five-year external floating roof seal inspections.

Leaking and broken asphalt tank investigations.
Aluminum and fiberglass tank inspections.
Sunken internal floating roof investigations.
Many other topics...