API RP 2023
Guide for Safe Storage and Handling of Heated Petroleum-Derived Asphalt Products and Crude-Oil Residua
This course was developed in late 1999 and has been taught to companys and individuals dealing with the unique concerns of heavy oils and asphalts.
We do not list all of the information contained in our class here since our programs are often copied.
We would be glad to send you more information if so requested in an email sent to apitanktrainer@gmail.com.
Class size is limited: Currently at N/A % full. Call for discount pricing for 3 or more attendees.
We expect a full house for our next meeting on: TBD 2023 for TBD USA.
If you would like to discuss an additional or private class, please write us at: apitanktrainer@gmail.com
Site to be announced to registrants after payment is received.
Class runs from 8:00 am until ~4:00 or 4:30 pm.
To download a summary of this course, please click on the link below.